PB & Blog

Peanut Butter & Co. is on a mission to deliver products that taste good, feel good, and do good, not only for our customers but also for our community. In 2019, we were able to donate over 3,000 jars, squeeze packs,...
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Our farmers, Greg, and Mary Nell Baltz, have reported good news about both our peanut and corn crops! We began to harvest our rotation crop, corn, last week and will continue to harvest into early September. In 2017 and prior...
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A few weeks ago members of our team took a trip to the farm to participate in this season's peanut planting. We interviewed them, and our farmer Greg Baltz, to learn more about the Peanut Butter & Co. Farm and the process of planting peanuts.
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We had so much fun in Union Square celebrating National Peanut Butter & Jelly Day at our Grab a Spoon! event. Our orange food truck was parked on the corner of E. 17th Street & Broadway and drew quite a fun crowd.
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Celebrate National PB&J Day with us and Carla Hall in Union Square NYC on April 2nd. Stop by our orange food truck and create a FREE peanut butter snack spoon in support of Food Bank For New York City!