Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter and Strawberry Crepes

These chocolate peanut butter and strawberry crepes are the perfect way to start off a weekend. And it’ll make a delicious and romantic breakfast for someone special this coming Valentine’s Day. They’re sweet without being cloying while filling enough to keep you fueled for an adventure-packed day. I used strawberries for this batch, but these would also be delicious with kiwi, banana, or if you’re really feeling crazy, all three!
Don’t worry if your first couple of crepes don’t turn out quite right, as there should be enough batter for about 14 crepes. One of the keys to good crepes is temperature; you want the pan hot enough so that you get a nice brown color, but you don’t want it so hot that it doesn’t cook all the way through. It’s also important to get just enough batter in the pan to produce a round crepe without adding so much that you end up with a pancake.
Use a thick bottomed pan to ensure your crepe browns evenly and go a little crazy with the butter for your first crepe, which will prevent all the subsequent ones from sticking to the pan.
- Yield:14 crepes
- Prep Time:1 hour 5 minutes
- Cook Time:10 minutes
- Total Time:1 hour 15 minutes
1 1/2 cups milk
2 large eggs
1 cup flour
pinch of salt
1 tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
unsalted butter
Strawberries, bananas or other fruit of your choice sliced thinly
Peanut Butter & Co. Dark Chocolatey Dreams
powdered sugar
Add the milk, eggs, flour, salt, sugar and vanilla to to a blender or food processor and blitz until smooth and free of any lumps. Pour the batter into a vessel with a pouring spout such as a large liquid measuring cup. Cover and refrigerate for at least an hour.
Heat a heavy bottomed pan over medium low heat until hot. Unwrap one end of the stick of butter and quickly make a swirling motion around the pan, making sure the whole surface of the pan is coated in a thin layer of butter. Pour enough batter into the center of the pan to cover about 2/3 of its surface area, then quickly pick it up and use a swirling motion to cover the rest of the pan.
Let this cook until the edges just start to turn a light brown. Use a thin spatula to lift an edge and use your fingers to help get the spatula as far under the crepe as you can get it. Flip it over, then cook until it’s just starting to turn brown on the other side (about 30 seconds). Transfer to a plate and repeat with the rest of the batter.
Once all the crepes are done, spread a thin layer of Peanut Butter & Co. Dark Chocolatey Dreams on half the crepe, place some sliced strawberries on 1/4 of the crepe. Fold the crepe in half, then fold that in half again (to make a quarter). Plate the crepes, top with some more sliced strawberries for garnish, then sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Tags: Breakfast Chocolate Crepes Dark Chocolate Dreams Dessert Fruit Peanut butter Peanut Butter & Co. Sweet Uncategorized